Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Suthorn Ruins Dungeon walkthrough
How to complete the Suthorn Ruins Dungeon and find every chest.
The Suthorn Ruins Dungeon in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is the dungeon located at the end of the Suthorn Rift - and you'll need to complete it to restore a character you'll find in the (who turns out to be very useful). This dungeon is actually part of the bigger The Mysterious Rifts quest.
Within this dungeon you'll find enemies and puzzles that will test your wit as well as your newly acquired Echo skills. In true Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom fashion, you will need to use your Echoes to help you survive and find a way out again.
Without further ado, to help you get through it safely and find every chest on offer, here's our Suthorn Ruins Dungeon walkthrough in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
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If you're looking for more help, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.
Suthorn Ruins Dungeon walkthrough in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
Enter the Suthorn Ruins Dungeon, then activate the Waypoint on your left before continuing through the door here. In the next room, follow the path all the way around to the left where you'll face a giant rock. Interact with the rock with 'A' and Tri will explain how useful the ability to move things around would be (why, yes it would thank you Tri.) You'll now learn the 'Bind' ability.
Use 'X' or 'ZL' when facing the rock to highlight it with the rod and Bind Tri to it. Then, while bonded, walk in any direction you want to move the object and it will follow you. So right now you need to move the rock out of the way - dropping it down the hole here is a good idea.

When you're ready to let go of the boulder, press 'ZR' to release it. Once you've done this, continue past where the rock was originally sitting and you'll find a switch on the floor here. Stand on this and the gate to the next room will open.

Head on through the gate and you'll be in the second room. Right in front of you is another rock, use the 'Bind' ability you've just learned to move it to the left side of the sunken floor section it's in. This will reveal a ladder - but don't go down it just yet!

While you've still got a hold of the rock, head to the left side of the room and into the water. You should see a gap between the ramp and a platform at the rear of this section - put the rock in here to complete the path here.

Also, there are two jars in the bottom left corner of the screen - smash them to get some Floral Nectar.
Now go up the ramp and across the path you've just made into the room to the left. In here you'll see a chest half buried in sand. To get it out of the sand you need to use the 'Bind' ability and lift it up by heading away from the chest itself.

When the chest is free from the sand you can open it to get five portions of Radiant Butter.
Now, head back to that ladder you just found in the other room and climb down it into the next area.
Here, you need to move across the area by hopping from string to string created by the Strandtula here - just don't touch the creature itself yet.

When you're past the Strandtulas you can defeat one to capture it and learn its Echo - we found a Spear Moblin to be quite effective at this.

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Suthorn Ruins Dungeon map location
To find the Suthorn Ruins Dungeon Map you need to find a way to the chest that's sitting on a ledge at the top of this area. To get to this chest you need to use the Strandtula Echo you learned earlier to create another string attached to the ceiling near the center platform (if there isn't already one here).

Climb this and get onto the center platform, then stand directly beneath the gap in the platform above (the one with the chest on it) and use the Echo again to create another string.
Climb this string to the next platform and collect the chest for the Dungeon Map! Worth the effort there.

Now that you've got the dungeon map you can press the (-) button to open it. When it's open you can toggle the view using the left and right arrows on the directional pad. Open up the dungeon map and have a little look around to get your bearings, then it's time to continue to venture forth.
How to get the Swordfighter Form in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
To get the Swordfighter Form you need to go back to the lowest level of this area and continue to the right, you may need to use your Strandtula Echo here to create a string you can climb to the next platform. Once here, climb the ladder.

In the next room there are some jars in the corner to your right - smash them if you want to. Then, head to the gap between the two platforms at the rear of this area and use your Strandtula echo to create another string to the ceiling. You know what to do, climb the string then hop off to the platform on the left.

Follow the path here and enter the gate to the next room. This area is quite vast compared to the ones you've been in so far. If you head south you'll see some shrubs with an Ignizol (if you don't already have this Echo then you should collect it, you'll need it in a bit) but if you want to continue going forwards head north and stand on the elevator slab here to ride it to the upper floor.

Exit the elevator and continue to head north past the fallen pillar and up the stairs here. At the top of the stairs is a Darknut enemy - we used an Ignizol to defeat them. They'll drop Rupees when defeated and you'll learn the Darknut Echo.

Once they've been dealt with head to the left at the top of the stairs - you can't jump up here but you can make yourself a step using objects in your inventory. We used a table.

Continue up the stairs here and through the gate at the top into the next area where you'll find a ladder that leads you down.

In the next area, follow the path to the right and drop down. Continue to the right past the wooden box until you hit a wall. Here, use your Strandtula to create a string and climb it all the way to the top. Right at the top of the string hop to the right and Zelda should easily walk over the object blocking her path.

Now, climb up the ladder that's almost directly in front of you now and you'll see a stack of nine wooden boxes to your left. Destroy the boxes however you'd like to (we burned them with Ignizol), then light the torch on the other side of them and the gate below you that was blocking your way to the next ladder will open.

Head down the ladder to your right, then continue right and up the newly revealed (and tall) ladder here. This will bring you into the next area and, as soon as you exit the ladder, there will be a waypoint to your left - remember to activate it so you can warp here using your map.
In this room head to the right and look at the statues on the wall. Only one of them is holding a gold shield - use the 'Bind' ability to grab the shield and then walk backwards to pull the shield from the statue.

Once you remove the shield from the statue the gate to the next area will open - so go on, head right through it.
There are a few Keese flying around and two Darknuts in here so be careful. In this room, head straight to the left and you'll come face to face with a wall. Yes we know, this isn't helpful but if you pan the camera further to the left you'll see that just beyond this wall is a chest.
To reach this chest, use a Strandtula to create a string to the ceiling as close to the wall as you can be. Climb up this string and hop off to the left onto the top of the wall and continue to the left to drop down into the chest area.

To get to the chest here, place another Strandtula string as close to the platform the chest is on as you can get it, climb the string and hop off onto the platform. Now open the chest to obtain 50 Rupees.

When you return to the main portion of this area, head north to the stairs and to the right of the stairs are two jars, smash them to collect a heart. Continue up the large staircase into the next area.
How to beat Suthorn Ruins Dungeon mini-boss in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
At the top of the stairs you'll come to an area with a very special person in it looking at a stone - but approach them with caution as they're evil… and suspiciously looks a lot like Link.

This naughty doppelganger will relentlessly follow you around the room and swing his sword at you while he can see you. You can use the various rectangle and square rocks around the room as hiding spots to catch a breather and to plan your next move. If Link does spot you, however, three lines will appear above his head to let you know you're in trouble.
The secret to defeating evil Link is to use the jars around the room - seriously, lift up the jars then aim them and launch them at evil Link so they smash over his head. Rinse and repeat with all the jars in the room.

When you've beaten them you'll collect their Mysterious Sword and the large stones blocking the path to the next area will open to reveal a new problem - goo. There's goo blocking the doorway but, luckily, the sword is the answer.
Press up on your directional pad to transform into a ghost–like Link - also known as Swordfighter Form. In this form you can attack using 'Y' and if you press and hold down 'Y' you can charge your Sword for a spin attack. You can also defend yourself with the shield by using 'ZL'.
That's not all (this form is quite handy), you can also jump higher than you normally can while in this form by using 'B'.

So now, head up to that goo covering the door and attack it with your sword repeatedly to clear it out of your way. Go past the goo-covered door to collect some energy and then head down the ladder here.
Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Suthorn Ruins Dungeon Big Key location
To get the Suthorn Ruins Big Key you need to continue climbing down the ladder in the next area until you come to a platform with two jars on it to your right. Smash them to collect a heart then continue following the path to the right, drop down then head further down to your left.
Once at ground level head to your right and you'll find a rock blocking your path here.

To clear the path, use 'Bind' to grab the rock and then start to move backwards to your left. Now, you need to move the rock so that it's sitting on the platform above you that's just slightly to the left of the chest here.

Once the rock is in place, head back up the ladder to the uppermost platform and then jump off it to your right. Follow the path to your right here and hop across to the top of the rock, then you can easily jump over the wall to the area with the chest in it. Open this chest to collect a Heart Pin - an accessory that makes hearts appear more often.

Now, go back down to ground level where you moved the rock from earlier and go down the ladder on the right.
The area you end up in will only be small - there are two jars in the corner here and you can smash these to get some Floral Nectar. Other than that, there's nothing of interest here so continue through the doorway at the rear of this area.
In the next room will be some energy floating around, walk into this to collect it. You'll notice now that right at the entrance of this room are two doors - one to your left which is open and one to your right which is currently locked.
There's a waypoint in the rear left-hand corner of this space - we highly recommend activating this before moving on. Next to the waypoint is a purple locked doorway - we'll come back to this later.

For now, head back to the entrance to this area and through the open door on the left. This will bring you face to face with a Deku Baba - and the door will lock right behind you, uh-oh.

You need to defeat the Deku Baba using Echoes in your inventory - but don't get too close to them as they can stretch out and snap at Zelda. They are vulnerable to having their heads pulled, so you can use 'Bind' to pluck the plant. Once the Deku Baba has shrunk to a much smaller size, head over to it to collect its Echo.
There are two more Deku Baba's in this area - one is sitting on a tall platform in the top right-hand corner of the area. We entered Swordfighter Form to quickly defeat this one and it will drop some Rupees.

The other is sitting behind a goo wall on the left side of this space. To get to this Deku Baba, enter Swordfighter form to destroy the wall then, as you did earlier, defeat the enemy Deku Baba. It will drop Rupees when it falls.

Once all Deku Baba's have been cleared from this area, all three doorways in this room will open.
You can go through the top and bottom left-hand corner doors in any order you want to, but we decided to go through the bottom left-hand corner door first.

In here you'll find that a chest is locked behind some very sturdy-looking bars.

To get to the chest, use 'Bind' to pick up the statue next to chest and then, while holding onto it, you need to move Zelda to the top of the ramp on the left side of the room.
In doing so, the statue you're holding on to should hover over the tall back platform. Once it's up here, and while still holding onto the statue, drop Zelda back down to the right and move so that the statue is sitting above the white and brown switch on the right side of the screen.

When the statue is in position, let go of it and if it's on the switch correctly the bars will drop. You can now collect the chest here for 50 Rupees.
Now, head back into the room where the trio of Deku Baba were a moment ago and through the door at the rear of the area (the one with flame torches either side of it).
In this area you'll see a Deku Baba behind a grated wall and two torches to your left. Walk up to the grate wall and use 'Bind' to pick up the Deku Baba and keep pulling it towards you. When you can't pull any more, let go of it and it will be defeated.

When you've done this, a chest will appear between the two torches on the left side of the room. Open it to collect a Small Key.

Now you've got this, head back to the main room of this area where the purple-coloured locked door is. As you enter this space, head straight across to the right to the locked door opposite you (it's not time for the purple door yet!)

Press 'A' to open the door here and head into the next area. In here, you'll find another puzzle awaits you. A ladder leading downwards is locked behind some bars, similar to the ones that were covering the chest a moment ago.
To open the bars here, head to the right side of the area and look through the grate wall - you should see a statue here that' not in formation with the others. Use 'Bind' to grab onto this statue and move them so that they're sitting on top of the panel switch at the rear of the area (the slightly green square on the floor).

Once the statue is above this switch, let it go and it will trigger the mechanism which opens the bars for you. You can now head down the ladder.
In this area you'll find a moving platform on your right - wait for it to come to you then hop onto it and ride it across to the other side. Then, follow the path to the right into the next part of this area.

Here, Tri will teach you about holding 'R' after binding yourself to an object - this allows Zelda to follow the motion of whatever she's bound to and this is the solution to our next problem.
Above where you're standing is a moving platform, 'Bind' to this and then press and hold 'R' to float across the gap here once the platform begins to move. When you're safely on the next platform to your right, let go of the moving one.

Climb up the ladder here and onto the platform on your left - then wait for the moving platform to return to you. Once it does, hop onto it and ride it all the way to the left - then get off on the solid platform here.
Climb up the ladder on this platform then stand on the solid platform to your right - here you should see another moving platform but it's not going all the way across like you need it to.
To navigate this rather large gap, stand on the moving platform to your right when it gets close enough to safely hop on and ride it as far as it will go. While you're on it, look above you and you'll find another moving platform is here.

When you reach the end of where your current platform can go, use 'Bind' and hold 'R' to follow the platform above you, which safely floats you across the gap to your right.
Climb up the ladder here, then ride the moving platform to your left and climb up the ladder here to the very small platform on your right.
Here, we used 'Bind' to attach ourselves to the moving platform below (the one we just rode across on) and it carried us across to the chest on the right. Open this chest to collect 20 Rupees.

Now, climb up the ladder on the right and onto the platform to your left. Ride the moving platform here to the left as far as it will go - it will take you back across to the very small platform you stood on a moment ago.
Drop off here carefully, then continue up the very tall ladder on the left side of this space.
In the next room you'll be faced with yet more bars blocking a very shiny-looking chest. Behind the bars is also a statue and a switch - yes this again. You need to use 'Bind' to move the statue onto the switch. We did this by placing a Trampoline down on our side of the bars in front of the switch and then, while holding the statue, jumping on it to get enough height so that the statue lands on the switch.

Once the statue is on the switch the bars will lower - head over to the shiny chest to collect the Big Key (the key to the purple door - finally!)

Now, head back through the doorway that just opened in the bottom left corner of the room and then continue through the areas you've already been in to get back to the main room with the purple door.

Head to the purple door and interact with it with 'A' to open it up. It's now time to beat Seismic Talus - the Suthorn Dungeon boss. We've got a separate page on that, so check that out for tips on fighting this clump of stones.

Once you've beaten Seismic Talus you'll have completed the Suthorn Ruins Dungeon!
That's all for now! If you're looking for more content and some handy tips for your adventure, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.