Jabul Ruins Dungeon walkthrough in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
How to complete the Jabul Ruins Dungeon and find every chest.
The Jabul Ruins Dungeon in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is part of the rift you can enter after you defeat Lord Jabu-Jabu.
This Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom dungeon is split between sections that are underwater or above the surface, so we recommend creating a few smoothie recipes that will boost your swimming speed beforehand - you'll never know when they'll come in handy.
When you're ready, here's our Jabul Ruins Dungeon walkthrough in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
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If you're looking for more help, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.
Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Jabul Ruins Dungeon walkthrough
From the Waypoint at the beginning of Jabul Ruins Dungeon follow the path forwards and don't be alarmed when the floor gives way (this is meant to happen). You'll safely land in some water and this is where the dungeon truly begins.

From here, dive underneath the water and swim to the left until you find a big rock blocking your path. You've probably guessed it, you need to use 'Bind' to pull this rock out of its current spot so you can continue heading left.

Once you can't get any further dive down and you'll find another rock blocking your path. Again, use 'Bind' to lift the rock up and place it on the platform that's slightly higher than it on the right.

When you've done this, continue to swim down until you hit the floor and from here swim to the right. Once you've swam far enough an enemy will appear that, unhelpfully, decides to unleash an underwater whirlwind at you. Yep - it's time to get swimming!
The whirlwind will keep moving right towards you, so now you need to swim right as fast as you can. There will be several obstacles and enemies in your way in each section:
First section - Swim through the underneath bit here and ignore the enemies.

Second Section - Swim through the top bit, it's a little awkward but easier than dealing with the boxes.

Third section - Ignore all the enemies here while being careful not to get shocked, and keep swimming!

Fourth Section - Swim through a small straight area where a rock blocks your escape route, use Bind to push it out of the way in front of you and keep swimming up to the right. You'll see a ladder here, dash up this and you'll be safe.

Phew - that was close. You'll be safe now you're in the next area - though there are a couple of enemies in here that you can use your Echoes to deal with before they cause you any trouble.
When you enter this area there will be some jars on your right, smash these to get some Refreshing Grapes. Then, when you're ready, follow the water all the way to the left side of the room where you'll find a small door leading to some stairs in the upper left-hand corner.

Go through here.
Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Jabul Ruins Dungeon Map location
In the next room activate the Waypoint before doing anything else and then head through the door to the north (the door to the south just leads you back to the area where the floor collapsed earlier).

Here you'll come face to face with four Fish Statues and a purple switch on the floor in the middle of them. Step on this purple button to activate it.

The corresponding spot on the wall will light up too - this will start filling up the pool in front of it. You should now also see there are four more switches for you to find.

Head to the right of this area and down the ladder here. In this area head to the right and use Echoes to clear the enemies along this path. You'll eventually come to a chest on a small ledge.

Open it to collect the Jabul Ruins Dungeon Map!

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Jabul Ruins Dungeon Red Switch location
Now it's time to go after the remaining switches - starting with Red. From the point you collected the chest, head left and dive into the water here - we recommend using water-based Echoes to clear the enemies out here or avoiding them will be a tricky task.
Once it's safe to do so, dive down underneath where you opened the chest and head to the right then up to the surface of the water here. Keep swimming right and you'll come to another ladder - climb up this.

After you leave the ladder, dive into the nearby body of water and dive underneath the water to swim through the small gap in the bars to the right.

There are Chompfins patrolling this next section so find safety on the column amongst the floating wooden boxes closest to the gap you just swam through. From here, you can unleash more Echoes to deal with the enemies in your way - including the pesky ones spitting projectiles at you from the other columns.

Now, once the coast is clear, swim underwater to the northern part of this area where there are more bars. You'll find a box is blocking a gap in the bars under the water here - use 'Bind' to remove it.

Swim through the newly revealed gap in the bars to the other side.

In here, head to the left and climb out of the water onto the ledge. Find a way to climb up to the higher ledges on the left here - we used a water block. You'll then find a chest amongst several Jars here. Open the chest to collect 50 Rupees.

Now go back out to the larger are where the Chompfins were and swim to the right side of the area. You should find there's a very thin ledge here - use Water Block Echoes to get up to this and then turn to face north, you should see a larger platform area.

Use any Echoes you'd like to get across here and then look at the wooden structure between the bars at the back here. You should see that there's a gap in the bars and a small piece of the wooden structure jutting out from there - you need to get onto this. We did this by placing a Water Block on the edge of the platform we were on and jumping on that way.

When you're on the wooden structure head to the left and out the opening here to start walking along the rope. Follow the path laid out by the rope heading south and then follow the one to the left until you reach another ledge.
Here, continue to head left until you find a doorway and more stairs - head up these.

This will bring you out to a small room with five enemies in it and the doors will lock behind you the moment you enter.
You need to defeat all five of them to be able to continue moving forwards, so use any Echoes you want to make this happen. We used Swordfighter Form to help speed things up a bit too.

When the doors open again, head through the one in the upper left-hand section of this area.
This will bring you out to a room with two fish statues and a large red button in it. Like you did with the purple one earlier, stand on this switch to activate it and light up the corresponding one on the wall elsewhere in the dungeon.

When you've done this an opening in the floor to the left of the button will appear, drop down here and you'll land on a platform floating on the water. Head to the left and up the ladder here. This will bring you back out into the room with the purple switch from earlier.
Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Jabul Ruins Dungeon Dark Blue Switch location
Now head to the left side of the room where you'll find another ladder leading downwards, climb down this and dive into the water here.
Swim down and to the left here - swim through the small blue piece of coral here to light up the area around it, this makes it a bit easier to see where you're going.

From here swim to the right and down until you find another of the blue coral pieces - again swim through it to light up the area around it.
Now, swim to the left while using Echoes to defeat the enemies here and swim through the next piece of blue coral you find to light it. You'll then find a Bio Deku Baba - grab onto it with 'Bind' and pull its head to defeat it (you can collect its Echo now).

From here, swim upwards and light the coral to the left then continue swimming upwards and follow the path around to the left while dodging enemies that line the route. When you reach the next big open space in the water swim downwards until you hit the floor and then swim to the right until you come across a chest.

Open this chest to collect 100 Rupees - nice!
From here, swim to the left and keep to the left as you swim upwards to find the surface of the water. There should be a ladder on your left here, so jump out of the water and scale this to reach the next area.
In this area you'll have a large pool of water, a small flame-lit torch in the bottom left-hand corner and un-lit torches in the bottom and upper right-hand corner. Light the unlit torches (we used Ignizol).
The torch missing from the upper left-hand corner is actually in the pool. To get it out we used Echoes like Pots and Boulders under the water to stack them to create steps that lead up to the same height as the edge of the pool.

We then used the 'Bind' ability to get the torch to climb these steps until we could eventually pull it out onto the side.

Once you've gotten the torch out of the pool, light it (it doesn't matter where it is in the room). When all four torches are lit the door on the right side of the room will open and you can head through it into the next area.
This area will have the dark blue switch in it - you know what to do. Stand on the dark blue switch to activate it and then head through the hole that opens up on the right side of the room. You can also smash the jars in here for some Bubble Kelp.

You'll drop back down into some water, but swim to the right here and climb up the ladder to get back to the main room where the purple switch and four statues are.
Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Jabul Ruins Dungeon Yellow Switch location
Stand on the purple button and walk forwards towards the pool of water that's filling and draining. When it drains, head over to the circle on the floor so that Zelda is pushed up by the jet of water that appears. At the highest point of the jet hop off and head left.

Follow the path and through the doorway here, this will bring you out to an area where the current in the water is heading south and there are plants of wooden platforms floating in it.
When there's one near you, jump off the solid platform onto one of the floating wooden planks and ride it south, but keep an eye out for a few enemies on your right. You can jump into the water if you need to dodge them.

Continue heading south until you come to the point where the water drops off the edge into a waterfall - do not go here. Instead, you should see a ledge in the middle of your screen - jump onto a floating wooden platform that's near this (you might need to wait for this to appear) and then hop up onto the solid platform.

Walk across to the other side of the solid platform and jump into the water here, this time try to stay out of the water or you'll need to put a lot of effort in to fight the current to head north. Instead, wait for the floating wooden platforms to come down and jump onto them, then use the path created by them floating downwards to head north.
There will be more enemies along the way but use your Echoes to deal with them if you can't run past them.
At the top of the room on the left is a doorway - stand on a wooden platform and hop your way up here then through the door.

You'll come out to another room filled with water. On the platform you're on, head south slightly until you're in line with the device sitting on the column in the water in front of you. Enter Swordfighter Form and jump then use the Mighty Bow to hit this device so it turns from blue to orange.

Then, jump off the platform you're on and swim to the left until you come to some floating Wooden Boxes. Jump up onto one of these and then again, while in Swordfighter Form, use the Mighty Bow to turn the device on the platform in the middle of these boxes from blue to orange.

Now, directly south of the device you've just triggered is the next one and it's underwater.
Dive down here to this device but be careful not to touch the Sea Urchins that have made a circle around it. Enter Swordfighter form once more and attack this device to turn it from blue to orange, just like the others. You can also attack the Sea Urchins in this form to collect some Rupees.

Return to the surface of the water and swim to the far left side of this room. You should find that there's another device on a very tall ledge here.
Jump into the water just south of this ledge and use a Strandtula Echo to create a string to the ceiling. Then, climb up this string and hop off onto the ledge with the device on it. Again, enter Swordfighter Form and attack the device to turn it from blue to orange.

There's now one more device to trigger and you can see it from where you're standing, it's in the top left-hand corner of the room behind some bars and next to some Wooden Boxes.
Fortunately, getting to this one is quite easy - swim over to the locked door at the top of the room and then stand on the ledge here. From here, face left and use Echoes to make a bridge to the platform to the left with the device on it. We used Water Blocks to do this.
Once you're up here, all you need to do is destroy the Wooden Boxes in your way and then enter the Swordfighter Form to attack the last device so it changes from blue to orange. (That's the last time we'll say that.) Don't forget to pick up the Electro Apples that dropped out of the boxes as well.

After all the devices in this room are orange the doorway will open - now head back here, through the door and up the stairs here into the next area.
You'll be locked in the next room and you need to defeat all the enemies in this room to unlock them. We sent out some Echoes, like Peahat and Albatrawl to defeat them, we also entered Swordfighter form to give a helping hand.
These enemies like to jump about so make sure to keep moving to dodge their attacks - remember you can use Mighty Bow to attack from a safe distance as well.

When they've all been defeated collect the Rupees they drop and head out the door on the right.
The next room has more fish statues and the yellow switch in it! Stand on the switch to activate it. You can smash the jars in this room for some Refreshing Grapes and Rupees. When you're ready you can then drop through the opening in the floor on the right.

When you land, head through the door on the right and this will bring you back out to the main room.
Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Jabul Ruins Dungeon Big Key location
From where you are on the upper level of this room walk to the right until you come to the wooden platforms either side of the switch colours on the wall.
Wait for the water jet to appear, when it does hop across to it and then jump across to the other wooden platform on the opposite side.

Follow the path here until you reach the ladder, climb down it into the next area. This is another underwater section so get ready to swim.
Here, swim downwards until you reach an area where two boulders are sitting on individual pieces of wood.
Swim to the far left and through the bubbles to get some more air, then turn and use 'Bind' on the nearby boulder. Lift it up and away from the plank it's sitting on so the plank floats away, revealing a new path for you.

Swim down the path the plank revealed and you'll find a chest here - open it to collect a Golden Egg.

Then, swim back up to where you just were and find the next boulder to your right. Remove it with 'Bind' as you did earlier and swim down the gap it reveals.

Now, swim to the right and you'll find your path is blocked, again use 'Bind' to remove these obstacles then swim down.
When you hit the floor here you should see a stone box blocking a very narrow path here. We used a Bombfish Echo to clear it away quickly - once the path is clear, swim down the narrow gap that's revealed.

Swim to the right (or left, it really doesn't matter) and follow the path down, around, and then up to the purple chest. Open this chest to collect the Big Key.

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Jabul Ruins Dungeon Light Blue Switch location
From the Big Key chest, swim back up through the narrow path you created earlier by destroying that stone box and now swim to the right. There will be an enemy waiting here, so be warned.
Then, when you can't go any further to the right, follow the path and swim up, just be careful not to get shocked - we used Echoes to deal with these pests. You should find that there's a pathway to your right blocked by multiple boxes. We used a Bombfish Echo twice to clear them out of the way. You'll also get some Refreshing Grapes doing this.

Go through here and swim up into the next area. Here, quickly make your way to one of the floating Wooden Boxes and stand on it. There are multiple enemies chilling in the water so it's better to be up here for now. Also, the door to the exit is locked so there's nowhere else to go until you defeat all the enemies here.
We used a Chompfin Echo to take out the enemies, all we had to do was swim out of the way of any incoming attacks. Also, don't forget to destroy the boxes eventually to get an Electro Apple.

When all enemies are defeated the door in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen will open. Dive under and swim through here.
In this area you'll find that the final switch is being guarded by two Bio Deku Baba - you can easily defeat these by grabbing their heads with 'Bind' and pulling them up, just like a weed.

Now, when you've dealt with those you need to drop something heavy onto the switch for it to activate - such as a Boulder Echo. Once you've done this, head through the opening in the floor to your left.

Your next task is to get back to the main door room where all the lights on the wall are now activated. Swim down until you see a rock with a plank of wood on top of it - use 'Bind' to pull the plank of wood away and dump it in the top right corner of the area.
Then, use 'Bind' again to move the rock to the side so that you can get through the opening in the floor.

Swim through the opening then straight to the left and to the surface of the water. There will be a ladder here, climb up this back to the main room.
Once here, walk to the left and stand on the wooden platform here. Wait for the water to appear then hop into it and ride it up to the platform the big door is on.

Head up to the purple door and use the 'Big Key' on it to open it. Also, smash the Jars in the corner here for a heart. When you're ready, head inside to face the dungeon boss Vocavor - which is the strange creature from the start of the dungeon that made that whirlwind!
We've got a separate guide showing you how to beat Vocavor, so check that out if you need a helping hand.

All you have to do now is beat Vocavor and you will have completed the Jabul Ruins Dungeon, congratulations!
That's all for now! If you're looking for more content and some handy tips for your adventure, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.