Pokémon Go Max Out hemisphere Pokémon, seasonal spawns and end date
Everything you need to know about the Season of Max Out.
Max Out, the sixteenth Pokémon Go season, sees the debut of both Dynamax Pokémon and - finally - more Gen 8 Pokémon to the game!
So make sure you're out and about during the Season of Max Out to catch Pokémon like Grookey, Scorbunny and Sobble as Gen 8 invades Pokémon Go. Then keep an eye on the new Power Spot locations to ensure you can battle every Dynamax Pokémon as well. Don't forget about the new Special Research quests either!
Like all previous seasons, Max Out also includes changes to the egg pools, seasonal spawns and which Pokémon are appearing in the northern and southern hemisphere.
On this page:
Pokémon Go Max Out end date: When will the Season of Max Out end?
Max Out has a start time of Tuesday 3rd September at 10am (local time) and will end on Wednesday 3rd December at 10am (local time). Season 20 of the Go Battle League will be running throughout this time period too, obtaining the three leagues and a variety of special cups.
This release date marks a change from the traditional Pokémon Go season start, which usually occurs on the first day of a month. This is mostly likely because September 1st falls on a Sunday this year - just make sure you take this change into account when planning your Pokémon Go activities!

Max Out bonuses in Pokémon Go
The season-long bonuses for Max Out begin with three XP based ones - you'll receive increased XP for meeting the seven-day PokéStop spin and Pokémon catch streaks, along with increased XP from increasing your Friendship Level with a player. That last one is perfect for anyone who will reach the Best Friend level during Max Out!
There are also two trading based bonuses, seeing everyone receive an additional candy from trading Pokémon and trainers who are Level 31 or higher receiving one guaranteed Candy XL when trading.
Finally from Tuesday 3rd September to Wednesday 3rd December, you'll be able to earn the following Pokémon from Research Breakthroughs: Galarian Weezing, Galarian Mr. Mime, Excadrill, Scraggy, Furfrou and Jangmo-o.

Max Out roadmap in Pokémon Go
The big release of Max Out, as the name suggests, is the release of Dynamax Pokémon in Pokémon Go on Tuesday 10th September at 10am (local time). While the details are yet to be fully confirmed at the time of writing, we do know that locations called Power Spots will begin to appear on the map. It's here where you'll battle Dynamax Pokémon in Max Battles and collect Max Particles. (Wonder what these will be used for, such suspiciously like Mega Energy...)
The official Pokémon Go blog makes it sound like these Power Spots will actually begin appearing before the proper release of Dynamax Pokémon; giving you the chance to start collecting Max Particles before your first Max Batte!
What we do know is that Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Skwovet and Wooloo will be making their Dynamax form debut in one-star Max Battles on Tuesday 10th September.

Alongside Dynamax Pokémon, Max Out sees the first proper release of Gen 8 in Pokémon Go! While we've seen some Gen 8 Pokémon in the past, such as Wooloo, Galarian forms and their evolutions like Sirfetch'd, this generation's release has been a slow one. In fact, the last Gen 8 Pokémon to debut in Pokémon Go was Regieleki back in April 2023. Soon, however, you'll be able to catch Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble and Dreepy in Pokémon Go! Players in the United Kingdom will also be able to catch the regionally exclusive Stonjourner too! Hopefully, as Max Out continues, we'll see more Gen 8 Pokémon arrive in Pokémon Go.
To celebrate this release, a new Special Research quest will be released on Tuesday 3rd September where you'll have to pick one of the Galar starter Pokémon - Grookey, Scorbunny or Sobble. As you can probably guess, this means we're dealing with a branching quest so make your choice wisely! Your choice will also see the background of your Postcard Book change for the rest of Max Out, which is a nice little bonus. (Though I would prefer a dedicated sticker book Niantic...)
Already released Gen 8 Pokémon will also be seeing their shiny forms released, including Wooloo and Skwovet.
With these overarching season themes out of the way, let's take a look at the first events running throughout Max Out.
Here's a rundown down of all the confirmed events for Max Out so far:
- GO All Out - Tuesday 3rd September to Tuesday 10th September
- Raid Day: Falinks - Sunday 8th September
- Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta Community Day - Saturday 14th September
- GO Big - Tuesday 10th September to Sunday 15th September
- Psychic Spectacular - Wedneday 18th September to Sunday 22nd September
- Oranguru and Passimian Research Day - Sunday 22nd September
- Legendary Heroes - Thursday 26th September to Tuesday 1st October
- October Community Day - Saturday 5th October
- November Community Day - Sunday 10th November

As you can see, a number of the Community Days are still waiting to have their spotlighted Pokémon announced. You'll also be able to partake in Season 20 of the Go Battle League during this season.
Max Out begins with GO All Out - running from Tuesday 3rd September at 10am (local time) to Tuesday 10th September at 10am (local time). This event marks the release of Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Dreepy, all of their evolutions and Stonjourner for UK players. Alongside this, you'll be able to start the Special Research quest we mentioned above, complete event-exclusive field research tasks, Collection Challenges and compete in PokéStop Showcases. There will also be double XP bonuses for catching and evolving Pokémon running through this event.

The Falinks Raid Day is running on Sunday 8th September between 2pm to 5pm (local time), so it's a little mini-event in the middle of GO All Out. During this event, you'll be able to battle Falinks in raids, which is great as this Raid Day marks the release of its shiny form and you'll have an increased chance of encountering shiny Falinks. You'll be able to earn an additional five free Raid Passes from spinning Gyms, but, if you prefer to Remote Raid, then the limit will be increased for part of the weekend.
Alongside this, there's a pay-to-play event ticket which will grant you additional Raid Passes, an increased chance of earning Rare Candy XL from raid battles, more Raid Battle XP and Stardust. This ticket will cost you $5 or the equivalent pricing in your local currency.

Next up is the GO Big event from Tuesday 10th September at 10am (local time) to Sunday 15th September at 10am (local time). As mentioned, this event will see the one-star Max Battle debut for Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Skwovet and Wooloo. You'll also be able to complete another Special Research quest to earn Max Particles and a new avatar item, the Dynamax Band. There will also be event-exclusive research tasks, Collection Challenges, a double PokéStop spin XP bonus and a double Max Battle win XP bonus.

PokéStop Showcases will also run from Monday to Wednesday, then Saturday to Sunday, during Max Out.
Here's the first round of Spotlight Hours for Max Out:
- Tuesday 3rd September - Wooloo and double Evolution XP
- Tuesday 10th September - Dewpider and double Catch Stardust
- Tuesday 17th September - Wobbuffet and double Catch XP
- Tuesday 24th September - Machop and double Catch Candy
Let's take a look at the Mega Evolution line up for September next:
- Mega Salamence - Wednesday 24th August to Tuesday 3rd September
- Mega Absol - Tuesday 3rd September to Saturday 14th September
- Mega Houndoom - Saturday 14th September to Thursday 26th September
- Mega Gardevoir - Thursday 26th September to Friday 4th October

Here's the five-star raid lineup for September:
- Xerneas - Wednesday 24th August to Tuesday 3rd September
- Kyogre - Tuesday 3rd September to Saturday 14th September
- Groudon - Saturday 14th September to Thrusday 26th September
- Zacian - Thursday 26th September to Wednesday 4th October
Shadow Raikou will also be appearing in five-star Shadow Raids throughout September!
Finally, you'll be able to collect new stickers from spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts or simply from purchasing them within the in-game shop.
The Max Out Season is here and includes a new global event, Wild Area! You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Max Out hemisphere Pokémon, seasonal and biome spawn changes
Max Out brings changes to which Pokémon spawn in the northern and southern hemispheres, including which creatures appear in the Pokémon Go biomes:
Area | Pokémon |
Northern Hemipshere | Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile Pineco Hisuian Qwilfish Larvitar Autumn Deerling |
Southern Hemipshere | Hisuian Voltorb Feebas Snivy Tepig Oshawott Spring Deerling Deino |
Cities | Gengar Skitty Beldum Scraggy Trubbish Furfrou Lechonk |
Forests | Exeggutor Chansey Pinsir Hoppip Shroomish Emolga Grubbin |
Mountains | Onix Sudowoodo Sableye Aggron Boldore Stunfisk Golett |
Beaches and Water | Kingler Staryu Lapras Remoraid Ducklett Crabrawler Sandygast |
This includes a number of changes to the egg pools, but it should be noted that these lists are incomplete. Certain in-game events also change the egg pools for a limited time.
Thanks to the Gift Exchange on Routes, there's also two different pools for 7km eggs, so, depending on which Pokémon you want, it's worth checking whether you need a 7km egg from opening a Gift from a friend or obtaining it via the Gift Exchange.
Egg | Pokémon |
2km | Cleffa Igglybuff Tyrogue Wynaut Larvesta |
5km | Larvesta Komala Grookey Scorbunny Sobble |
5km Adventure Sync | Chingling Riolu Tyrunt Amarua Phantump |
7km eggs | Galarian Meowth Galarian Slowpoke Galarian Farfetch'd Galarian Zigzagoon Galarian Yamask |
7km from Routes | Hisuian Growlithe Hisuian Sneasel White-Stripe Basculin Deino Pancham |
10km | Druddigon Larvesta Dreepy Charcadet Frigibax |
10km Adventure Sync | Dratini Rockruff Drampa Jangmo-o Frigibax |
What are seasons in Pokémon Go?
Originally introduced in December 2021, seasons are in-game periods of time which last for three months and tie together various events with a theme. During this time, a selection of new features and quality of life changes can also be added to Pokémon Go.
This includes:
- Changes to how Pokémon spawn season-to-season, which may see some creatures appearing more regularly or become rarer in the wild for limited time periods.
- Changes to egg pools and raids.
- Northern and southern hemisphere-specific spawning, coinciding with the real world season themselves.
- Highlight specific Mega Evolutions, giving them a power boost throughout the season.
- Different Deerling forms.
- A new Go Battle League season, which will be the same length as the season itself.
- XP boosts for completing specific activities, such as five-star raids for example.
- Introduce other general quality of life improvements.
- A range of in-game events.
- New Pokémon.
- Occasionally, new features and season long research quests.

If you'd like to learn about past Pokémon Go seasons, visit our pages on Shared Skies, World of Wonders, the Season of Timeless Travels and Season of Adventures Abound.
Hope you're ready to expand during Max Out!