How to beat Skorchill in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
Tips to help you defeat the Lanayru Temple boss.
Knowing how to beat Skorchill in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is crucial as you need to defeat them to complete the Lanaryu Temple, which is part of the the Rift on Holy Mount Lanayru main story quest.
This Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom boss will throw different elemental attacks at you, so we recommend making some smoothie recipes before you face them if you can. Having the ability to boost your hearts if you need to mid-fight will always come in handy.
Without further ado, here's how to beat Skorchill in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
If you're looking for more help, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.
How to beat Skorchill in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
The fight with Skorchill will happen in three distinct phases, and they can move quite quickly once you know how to counter any incoming attacks. Also, pay attention to what element is being displayed by his helmet, this will help you pick out the ideal Echoes to call on as allies through the fight.
Phase One
One of the first attacks to watch out for is Skorchill's fist slam attack, he'll lift both of his fists up and then slam them into the ground with a lot of force. To avoid this make sure you're as far away from him as you can be when he begins to lift his arms up - also flames will appear on his fists so watch out for that.

Another attack to watch out for is one we like to call the Tantrum. Skorchill will rush over to you and then repeatedly stamp his feet on the ground, just like a child having a tantrum (see why we called it that now?) Not only do you not want to be anywhere near his feet when he does this, you also need to watch out for circle shadows appearing on the ground. These indicate where icicles will fall from the ceiling - make sure you're not standing in any of these to avoid getting hit. Yes, his tantrum is that bad it's brought bits of the ceiling down.

While you're avoiding his attacks you need to focus on landing attacks on Skorchill. You can enter Swordfighter form and use the Bow for this, but we had a Fire Wizzrobe helping us out which we found did the hard work for us in this phase.
Once you've hit Skorchill's helmet enough he'll return to his normal colour and be dazed for a moment. At this point use 'Bind' to grab onto the helmet on his head (which really looks like a bowl) and pull back until you get it off his head. When you get it off him, the helmet will smash into the ground.

For a moment Skorchill will stomp around without his helmet on and you just need to keep attacking him at this point. After you've done enough damage, he'll get a brand new helmet and you'll start phase two.

Phase Two
This time we called out an Ice Wizzrobe to help us land some attacks, and we highly recommend that you do the same.
Along with a new helmet, Skorchill will now have new attacks that you need to watch out for. The first one being a fireball attack where he'll spit them out of his mouth at you and, even if you're running, he'll spin around to follow you around the room with them. The easiest thing to do is to keep moving while he's doing this attack - don't stop moving until he does.

His next new attack is a much bigger charged fireball attack. Skorchill will stand still and gather his energy to create a large fireball then launch it out at you, make sure you're standing as far away from him as possible.

Again, when you've landed enough attacks on him Skorchill will return to his normal colour and be vulnerable for a moment. At this point, use 'Bind' again to grab his helmet and pull it off.
Just as you did before, he'll wander around without the helmet for a moment and you can avoid his attacks while landing some of your own. When you've done enough damage he'll get yet another helmet.

Phase Three
Now that the room is frozen again we called back the Ice and Fire Wizzrobes to help us out, and again we recommend doing the same as they're good allies. We have good news as well - Skorchill will recycle attacks he's used in earlier phases. For us he only seemed to use the phase two attacks.

Then, when you've landed enough attacks of your own and Skorchill is back to his normal colour you can once again pull the helmet off his head to smash it. This phase went really fast for us because we called out the Ice Wizzrobe to use against his fire attacks.
Land more hits on Skorchill in this phase and, when you've dealt enough damage, you will have beaten them.

For your efforts you'll get a Heart Container, well done!
That's all for now! If you're looking for more content and some handy tips for your adventure, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.